Ruby Book

Ruby Book

Free Jeremy McAnallyWindows Secure Download

147-page Ruby eBook with programming language guidance, free with optional contribution.

Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby eBook is a 147-page guide that focuses on the programming language Ruby. This eBook is divided into six chapters and serves as a reference guide for programming in Ruby. It covers topics such as installing Ruby on different operating systems, declaring variables, working with arithmetic types, collections, operators, methods, and blocks. If you enjoy the content of the book and want to explore more resources for Ruby, there is a useful list of links provided at the end of the eBook. While the eBook is available for free, the author does suggest making a contribution if you would like a physical copy of the material. This eBook is a concise resource for those looking to learn or improve their skills in Ruby programming. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with Ruby, Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby eBook offers valuable information in a user-friendly format.

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